1. Crown Royal’s ‘Pack a Bag’ Initiative: Supporting Troops, Spreading Joy!


Join us in celebrating the heartwarming efforts of Crown Royal’s ‘Pack a Bag’ project! This initiative stands tall in supporting our troops by providing essentials and a touch of home. Discover how Crown Royal is making a difference and find out how you can participate by sending a bag to show appreciation. Let’s rally together to uplift our servicemen and women! Learn more and join the cause: https://pack.crownroyal.com/Home/PackABag



2. Fishermen Rescue Young Dolphin While its Mother Held it Afloat as it was Trapped in Anchor Line

A video captured a heartwarming rescue after a pair of fishermen happened upon a juvenile dolphin tied up in fishing line. Jose Ramón Pérez and Miguel Rodríguez were boating 10km off the coast of Almería, Spain when they found the animal tangled up, with its mother desperately trying to keep it afloat. The baby’s tail was tangled in a rope that was pulling it underwater but the two men said its mother would not leave its side and kept trying to lift it up so it could breathe.


3. National Geographic Unveils Top ‘Pictures of the Year’ Captured From Nat Geo Photographers in 2023

Each year, National Geographic photographers canvass the globe to uncover stories that offer a new understanding of our world; and every day, Nat Geo’s photo editors comb through their images, choosing those that “compel the eye and inspire the heart.”

This year, more than 160 National Geographic photographers working across every continent, even Antarctica, submitted 2.1 million images. From those, 29 were selected for PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2023.

“These are images that aren’t just striking—they tell a story and reveal something that makes you see and understand the world in a new way,” said National Geographic Editor-in-Chief Nathan Lump.

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