I never imagined that my life would take the turn it did in 2009. Losing my son Stephen was the most devastating moment of my life, and in those early days, I couldn’t see a way forward. My heart was shattered, and the weight of grief was unbearable. In those moments, I faced a choice: I could let the pain define my story, or I could try to find a way to carry my grief while still honoring the life and love that remained.

That’s when I found gratitude. It didn’t happen overnight. It started small—just a tiny glimmer of hope when everything else felt dark. I began by acknowledging the things that were still good, even amidst the pain. The warmth of the sun on my face. The sound of a loved one’s voice. The support of friends who stood by me when I couldn’t stand on my own. These small moments became the foundation for my healing.

As I practiced gratitude daily, I realized something profound: gratitude wasn’t erasing my grief, but it was shifting my perspective. Instead of focusing on what I had lost, I began to see what I still had. Instead of being consumed by the sadness, I started to notice the beauty that still surrounded me. Gratitude didn’t take away the pain, but it gave me a new lens to view my life—one that included both the sorrow and the joy.

Incorporating gratitude into my story helped me rewrite the narrative I was living. Where there was once only heartbreak, there was now resilience. Where I once felt lost, I began to find purpose. I realized that gratitude doesn’t have to be reserved for the big things; it can be found in the smallest moments. And those moments, when strung together, can create a new way of seeing the world.

Now, as I share my story with others, I encourage them to do the same. Your story is powerful, and gratitude can help shape it in ways you may never have thought possible. It’s not about denying the hard parts of life, but about choosing to also focus on what’s good. Maybe you’re struggling right now—feeling overwhelmed by work, family, or just the chaos of life. I’ve been there. But I’ve also seen how taking even a few moments to focus on the good can shift everything.

It’s amazing how much lighter life feels when we choose gratitude. Whether it’s through journaling, meditation, or simply pausing to reflect on the blessings in your life, you can begin to rewrite your story today. I did. And if I can do it, in the face of unimaginable loss, so can you.

Gratitude has been my anchor, my lifeline, and my greatest teacher. It’s shown me that even in the darkest moments, there is light. And that light has the power to change everything.

Let gratitude be the thread that weaves through your story. Trust me, it can transform your life in ways you never imagined.