Raising Accountable and Resilient Children

The ancient Romans had a tradition: whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed accountability for his work in the most profound way possible: he stood under the arch.- Michael Armstrong I remember...

I am God’s Valentine…

Love is a consistent passion to give, not a meek persistent hope to receive. The only demand of life is the privilege to love all.   ~ Swami Chinmayananda ~ What if this arrived in the mail today? My Dearest (Insert Your Name Here), Happy Valentine’s. I have to...
A Valentine For the Broken Hearted…

A Valentine For the Broken Hearted…

Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. ~Author Unknown I was reading recently about a woman who, married to her husband for fifty nine years, wondered how she would ever go on and...

Grieving 101 Advice from Dr. Cara Barker

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.”- Socrates -I am missing my blog time; that time of connection, with all of you and with my inner soul. Work and life has been hectic these days, and I have been forced to act like a grown up….the things you do to pay the...

A Moment of Silence For Those Lost in Arizona…

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”-Plato- Today at eleven, as I walked on the treadmill, I observed a reverent moment of silence for the loss of precious lives in Arizona on...