by Kelly Buckley | Nov 24, 2015 | Grief
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. ~ Johannes A. Gaertner ~ The table is set, but something is missing. He is missing; my beautiful son Stephen. Each year, I...
by Kelly Buckley | May 7, 2015 | Gratitude
As Mother’s Day approaches, I wanted to share some thoughts with you about my Mother. Although she passed in 1991, she still sits gently within my heart and serves as a constant influence in my daily life. I remember my mother’s prayers and they...
by Kelly Buckley | Feb 4, 2015 | Grief
Dear Nationwide, I didn’t watch the big game Sunday night, so I missed the unveiling of your ad. My husband was away and my son was watching the game with friends, so I had some “me” time. I took an hour to write and caught up on some of my favorite...
by Kelly Buckley | Jul 4, 2014 | Hope
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. ~Lao Tzu~ It is a glorious day, and it is shaping up to be a wonderful July 4th long...
by Kelly Buckley | Jun 15, 2014 | Grief
He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland~ Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. I hope this has been a day of not only celebration, but reflection on the privilege of fatherhood and the...
by Kelly Buckley | Jun 7, 2014 | Gratitude
I’ve always had the feeling that life loves the liver of it. You must live and life will be good to you, give you experiences. They may not all be that pleasant, but nobody promised you a rose garden. But more than likely if you do dare, what you get are the marvelous...
by Kelly Buckley | Jan 19, 2014 | Hope
Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows. ~Henry David Thoreau~ Happy New Year…almost three weeks in. I have decided to omit the word belated, because for me, mid January is when I felt like beginning this year. It’s...
by Kelly Buckley | Dec 13, 2013 | Gratitude
The best things in life aren’t things.~Art Buchwald~ I’ve been thinking all week about the happy memories of Christmases of years ago. I find this time of year makes me feel connected to both the magic and the melancholy of the season. I am so grateful...
by Kelly Buckley | Nov 13, 2013 | Grief
We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~E. M. Forester~ Recently, I found myself in a social situation, feeling quite uncomfortable with both the people and the conversation. I wanted to absolutely scream at...
by Kelly Buckley | Nov 6, 2013 | Gratitude
Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday. Here’s a quick affirmation for you for the day. Is there something you need to let go? Make room for the good stuff. Love and kisses, Kelly