by Kelly Buckley | Apr 3, 2017 | Hope
People who look through keyholes are apt to get the idea that most things are keyhole shaped. ~Author Unknown~ The tulips in my back yard have started to pop up. The tulips are a sign of life from the cold ground, a good sign that spring will...
by Kelly Buckley | Mar 8, 2017 | Gratitude
One is not born a woman, one becomes one. ~ Simone De Beauvoir~ I’ve been writing for a number of years now. Books, blogs, speeches, tweets, grocery lists. But what I’ve never really discussed is the thousands of person to person emails I’ve exchanged with women who...
by Kelly Buckley | Dec 23, 2016 | Gratitude
Whatever else be lost among the years, Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing: Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears, Let us hold close one day, remembering Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men. Let us get back our childlike faith again. ~Grace Noll...
by Kelly Buckley | Dec 14, 2016 | Grief
Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Christmas shopping. It’s just not as they portray it in the commercials. Where are the happy people dancing in...
by Kelly Buckley | Dec 7, 2016 | Gratitude
I wrote this piece a few years ago. It’s funny, as I continue to write, I am more aware of the fact that I get my inspiration from painting projects, washing machines, duct tape and digging in the dirt in my back yard. Simple mundane things that I can relate...
by Kelly Buckley | Nov 9, 2016 | Unity
The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity – or it will move apart. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt~ I woke up this morning filled with words. That’s how it...
by Kelly Buckley | Oct 11, 2016 | Grief
At first, the grief overwhelms you. But with time and tears, you can transform your pain into remembrance. And with that act, you illuminate the person you lost, allowing others to experience the beauty of their spirit….So they live on. ~Kelly S....
by Kelly Buckley | Sep 6, 2016 | Gratitude
Anxiety is love’s greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. ~Anais Nin~ I haven’t really discussed it before. I’ve dealt...
by Kelly Buckley | Aug 31, 2016 | Gratitude, Grief
As we watch the sand through the hourglass on this last day of August, I wanted to revisit my thoughts on what makes a strong wise woman. My definition continues to evolve as I do and deepens as I continue to have this beautiful and intimate conversation with women...
by Kelly Buckley | Aug 23, 2016 | Unity
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. ~Mother Teresa~ I have been in a bit of a funk over the past number of weeks. Not many would notice, but on the inside there is a gnawing...