- Hope
- Unity
- Gratitude
- Grief
Embracing Light in the Depths of Winter’s Solace
As the winter solstice dawns upon us, marking the year’s shortest day, it brings both the...
I See You
The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who...
Gratitude: The Secret Ingredient for Success
In a world driven by goals, achievements, and the constant push for more, gratitude often feels...
Building Resilience: The Key to a Successful Criticism Cleanse
In the dynamic landscape of personal and professional development, resilience emerges as the...
Recent Posts
Nester the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey-A Lesson for Life…
Whatever else be lost among the years, Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing: Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears, Let us hold close one day, remembering Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men. Let us get back our childlike faith again. ~Grace Noll...
2011 Measure of Love Challenge….
And in our world of plenty; We can spread a smile of joy; Throw your arms around the world; At Christmas time. ~Bob Geldof and Midge Ure~ Each year, since my son passed away, my family and I have decided to "Give Away His Measure of Love..." Let me explain. As we...
Zombie Reality Check…
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. ~Brian Tracy~ Are you living a mindless life or a mindful one?I love a good zombie flick, so this is the right time of year for me. All...
The Last Ordinary Day
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. ~Henry Drummond~ As are so many, I've been thinking about the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I told myself I was not...
Person to Person…
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. ~Mother Teresa~ I have been in a bit of a funk over the past week. Not many would notice, but on the inside there is a gnawing discomfort. ...
Are You Pecking at the Kick Plate of Your Life?
I wrote this back in March 2010, but wanted to share it with you today. I think it still applies. “Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.” -Victor Hugo- Okay, so we...
The Magic Garden
The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. ~George Bernard Shaw, The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God, 1932 It's so nice to be blogging again. I've been finishing up my book and haven't made the time much over the past...
July 4th…Just One Little Thing. The next chapter.
How many people are trapped in their everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent? To have a better life we must keep choosing how we're living. ~Einstein~ Welcome to Just One Little Thing! I invite you to come with me on the next leg of the journey....
Welcome to Just One Little Thing…
How many people are trapped in their everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent? To have a better life we must keep choosing how we're living. ~Einstein~Welcome to Just One Little Thing!I invite you to come with me on the next leg of the journey....
Lessons From the Road….
...he allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves. ~Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of...
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