About Kelly
Her Mission
To have a conversation about the connection between gratitude and resilience, and how we all have the power to rise above life’s difficulties. Her life’s direction has been molded, as we all are, by the turning points in life; the defining moments that forever change how you see the world.
Her Story
Born and raised in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, on Canada’s East Coast, Kelly grew up in a culture that personifies resilience, forging a happy life in one of nature’s most rugged and untouched locations. Over the course of her life, she has looked back to the roots of her resilient spirit as she dealt with the hurts of life, the biggest being the sudden death of her 23-year-old son Stephen on the 4th of July, 2009.
Her Future
She began her professional career as a Registered Nurse, and worked as a Health Executive in Canada. She continues to nurse; only now nurturing other souls with her words. She continues to write and speak, and is working on her next book from her home in North Carolina.
She is learning to be comfortable with the fact that she is forever broken, and enjoys helping others become comfortable with the perfection of imperfection in her teaching.
In response to her loss, Kelly has published two books, Gratitude in Grief and Just One Little Thing, as well as a guided journal, The Path. Through her writing and reflection of what remains in troubling times, Kelly was able to not only shift her own perception of loss, but also provide comfort and purpose for others as they navigated loss and trauma.

a global family, healing together.
The overwhelming grassroots response to her courageous sharing of her personal journey through grief propelled her to continue, and as a result, she has connected with numerous groups around the globe to add her voice to the discussion about hope after loss.
As Seen In
Kelly is also a guest contributor for such respected sites as Maria Shriver, Open to Hope, and Hello Grief (a division of Comfort Zone Camp) and has been published in Open to Hope’s new book, “Open to Hope-Inspirational Stories of Healing After Loss.”
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