1. Before and After Photos of World’s Largest Dam Removal in Calif. Will Have You Cheering for Team Salmon

For years, California was slated to undertake the world’s largest dam removal project in order to free the Klamath River to flow as it had done for thousands of years.

Now, as the project nears completion, imagery is percolating out of Klamath showing the waterway’s dramatic transformation, and they are breathtaking to behold.

Incredibly, the project has been nearly completed on schedule and under budget, and recently concluded with the removal of two dams, Iron Gate and Copco 1. Small “cofferdams” which helped divert water for the main dams’ construction, still need to be removed.

The river, along which salmon and trout had migrated and bred for centuries, can flow freely between Lake Ewauna in Klamath Falls, Oregon, to the Pacific Ocean for the first time since the dams were constructed between 1903 and 1962.




2. Dog Sits Down in Middle of Road Unmoving–Until Officer Follows to Save Her Owner

On September 25th, the unnamed, 84-year-old owner of this beautiful pooch named Gita, fell, hurt his leg, and couldn’t move. Gita then ran down to the main road where she stood on the paving lines waiting for someone to stop.

That someone was Deputy Wright, who was patrolling that particular area of Stevens County. Seeing neither house nor owner, Wright alighted on the road to try and get Gita into his patrol car, but the dog wouldn’t budge. Visiting nearby residences, Wright couldn’t identify the dog’s owner.

“Sensing something amiss, Wright went back to the dog which was now lying on the centerline,”a statement from the Sheriff’s office read.

Wright tried to move the dog yet again, but this time she took off up a steep, unmarked, poorly traveled side road.

“Wright followed the dog, and it led him to a small summer cabin. He began checking around the area and observed an elderly male lying on the ground calling for help a short distance from the cabin. The 84-year-old male, who also had other medical conditions needing regular medications, had fallen and injured his leg. He had laid there for hours and may have had serious consequences if he had not been found.”




3. Hero Passenger Lands Plane After Her Pilot Suffers Cardiac Arrest

Picture it: you’re happily sitting aboard a plane and the pilot falls over unconscious.

It’s the stuff of nightmares and Hollywood movies, but for one Californian, it was all too real. On what was supposed to be a flight from Las Vegas to Monterrey, the twin-engine aircraft was diverted to Bakersfield before the pilot went into cardiac arrest.

A “brave” female passenger took the helm and received instructions from Kern County air traffic control tower at the airport at Meadows Field, where county airport director Ron Brewster spoke to NBC about the ordeal.

“We were able to get fire, ambulance and everybody on stand-by so as the aircraft came to a stop they were getting medical attention in seconds,” he said.

Audio released by the Kern County Airport Authority captures some of the instructions given to the passenger who was instructed to keep her airspeed at around 132 mph.

Both GNN and Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters have shown that passengers possessing no flight experience whatsoever can be talked into landing a plane successfully.


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